Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Listening to the Muse...

Update time...I'm trying to get back to the "less is more" mentality- interestingly, right after that blog about "cutting back", my writings became even more lengthy and descriptive than before.  Its perverse how the human mind works- make up your mind to do things one way, and bam! another way takes precedence.  Ah well.  What good is a blog if you can't be long-winded? So, for now the "less is more" will be incorporated in a strictly everyday life setting (organizing stuff, etc.).  The blog can evolve as it will, whether prolific or short & sweet. 

Right now I am up to my eyeballs in mask work that is in various stages of completion.  Designs are sketched to completion and ready to go, and 5 of the masks are "blank canvases" ready for painting.  The necklace line is coming along very well also- 3 away from an even 30.  We are cranking out the art and it is finally starting to feel like something is getting accomplished! Still, there are deadlines looming, and I won't rest until there are more masks in the final stages.  Work-work-work! And then....drumroll.....more work.

Another update has to do with my writing.  I am in the process of beginning research into the realm of self-publishing.  I have a poetry manuscript that has been gathering dust for several years now, out of fear and being "too busy" (read: not making the time).  Two lame excuses to not do something with it! So, after having brushed the dust off, the publishing process is now officially in the works and hopefully something will happen in the near future.  While waiting on the self-publishing realm, I am currently working on submitting some of my newer material to an online magazine (Blue Unicorn) and hoping for some positive feedback in the meantime.  *keeping fingers crossed* 

A moment in retrospect- I am so grateful and blessed to have the life I am living now.  Not that its easy or worry-free, but the good far outweighs the bad.  The difference between then and now (the past) is like a war zone compared to a paradise. My husband, my short-tempered puppy, my little house with the out of control ongoing organizing and lack of closet space- I wouldn't trade them for all the money and power in the world.  A great quote popped in my head, in retrospect: "God bless the broken road that led me to you."- hands down the best country song ever, and I'm no fan of country.  But it fits, and its good.  Life is good.  And I plan on life getting better and better as we go farther down that road.   Now, enough of the mush fest, its time to get back to work...

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