Monday, January 16, 2012

Back to Work (Its almost Mardi Gras time!)

Greetings from the absentee blogger! I have unfortunately neglected this blog while focusing my energies on my alternate blog page, Zen Photographer- as the focus of my freelance work these past several months has been strictly photography.  But now that we are rapidly approaching that time of the year when mask work takes a front seat, I'm signing on again to keep our readers posted on our progress.  

The above shot is a work in progress- our first white wedding mask.  Its nearing the final  stages- trim will be added, and then we will line the inside with felt material for comfort.  At that point, it will be ready to sell.  I'll post shots on here once we are finished.

As far as Mardi Gras masks go, we have about 8 that are still awaiting design and completion.  One will be a jigsaw puzzle mask, and there will be Carnival-themed ones in the mix, as well as many others.  Whimsical is the name of the game, and each and every mask will be painstakingly designed, painted, lacquered and fine-tuned until the end result.  Lucas and I trouble shoot each and every one, and a lot of work goes into our mask line, but its a labor of love.  You won't find another company that puts this level of effort and love into their mask line.  Wearable art at its finest!