Saturday, January 3, 2015

Reflections on the New Year

Well, it is that time again- the New Year. Fresh page, new beginnings.  Here's the short list of art-geared resolutions I've come up with for 2015:

(1) Create a vision board for the next phase of my life.

(2) Design and make a Mardi Gras mask for Carnival 2015.  Hint: Misty Copeland played this role in the New York City Ballet recently.

(3) Learn to draw well.  First project: a sketch of my brother's dog, Blue, on a postcard with charcoal and water color pencils.

(4) Select 10 of my best local Nola black and white shots- frame them, matte them and hang them in the living room. 

(5) Designate a few times a week as "art time" with Nate.  Break out the Play-Doh, watercolors and finger paints.  The messier the better! 

(6) Go to the park and work on a landscape painting by the lake.  Look for swans to capture with my paintbrush.

(7) Create a daily writing schedule and work on the book idea that I started late last year. 

(8) Restart my necklace work (it has been on the backburner the past year or so).  Learn different techniques, and branch out into new materials and themes such as steam punk, wire, and polymer clay. 

(9) Design a creative newsletter.  Collaborate with others- artists, musicians, photographers- to keep the feed fresh and current. 

(10) Go back to the museum at least once a month with Nate.  Explore new exhibits and artists. 

(11) Resolve to finally learn my guitar- basic chords for starters. 

These are not my "main" resolutions, but they are the most enjoyable ones.  Wishing a brand new, busy, productive New Year to all of you people! Remember that art is making something where there was once a void.  Fill up your days with creativity!~

Best wishes,