Monday, December 27, 2010

Ring in the New....

It is 3:33 on December 27th, a quiet evening at work, and this blogger is contemplating the end of the holiday season/end of the year.  2010 is currently in its dying stages, and a New Year awaits impatiently on the near horizon- you can see its shadow looming ahead, tapping an impatient foot and watching for signs of welcome.  Some hopes and happy moments were realized in 2010, while others faded away or were put on hold indefinitely  One of the latter includes our mask work, which was relegated to the sidelines by necessity in these final months, due to what I like to term "Holiday Madness".   We are slowly picking up the loose threads of work and weaving them into the finished products that will debut in a very near future.  My self-imposed deadline has been extended by a few months- too many crises and projects and holiday rush were in the works simultaneously.  So, we are looking at February-March art markets to participate in with the mask work.  Trying our best to coordinate it with Mardi Gras, which would be the ideal time to showcase them- all those lovely tourists, and locals with masquerades and costumes in mind.  Rest assured, even if it happens after M.G., our mask line is appropriate and magical for any time of the year, so please keep the masks in mind as we approach the new year and future holidays. 

More updates to stay tuned! And in the meantime, wishing everyone a New Year filled with happy moments, quiet joy, and serenity. 

Jamie P.