Thursday, November 4, 2010

Out of the Gate....

Hello Friends, Old & New,

October presented us with an opportunity to take a break from our art work, due to all the happenings of the month and the subsequent lack of time to devote to our craft.  Fast forward to early November...currently we are gathering forces and breaking out of the gate, ready to enter full-speed ahead the artistic world once more.  The timing will present yet another challenge, due to the arrival (onslaught?) of the holidays.  Yet it can and will be done.  I am going to take the optimistic road and acknowledge that the mask work will provide a great creative outlet and a place to channel all the stressed/nervous energy of trying to pull together everything for the upcoming holiday season.  We all know that the holidays can be a beautiful and magical time, when our toes aren't being stepped upon by real world issues such as balancing time and energy, dealing with pesky family members/friends, trying to play Santa to those same loved ones and feel the drain on our pocketbooks, and dealing with conflicts of personalities as we all gather to celebrate the season.  The thing to keep in mind is that the holidays always seem to fly past on wings blurred with Christmas lights, carols and laughter, not to mention all the family times and parties, and all too soon will be a memory.  This too will pass, whether that is good or bad.  Let us strive to embrace the good and overlook the bad.

Holidays aside, for Lucas and I Mardi Gras is the Grail, and the Quest for the mask work will lead us to Palmer Park in January, where we will participate in our very first art market in 2011.  Please feel free to stop by, visit and check out our latest & greatest artwork.  Feedback is welcome.  In the meantime, there will be art markets in Palmer Park on the last Saturday of November and December, a bevy of festivals and fairs throughout the New Orleans and surrounding region, along with the much-lauded 3 Rivers Festival in Covington, Louisiana on the weekend of the 13th and 14th.  Don't forget to come out and show your support for local artisans, and pass a good time while out & about.

Realistically, we have about 2 months with which to put the finishing touches on the completed masks, and to add a few new characters to the family.  The next one is destined to be a wedding mask- to balance out all the macabre Halloween ones we finished from October.  Still designing and sketching out new additions, which you can catch glimpses of between now and January.  Expect to see many different styles, from the whimsical to the terrifying, the naughty and the nice, along with everything in-between.  p.s. We do commission work as well, email any questions our way and we'll let you know if it can be done, along with price quotes and time alloted for completion.   

Wish us luck, friends, and here's a wish to every one of you for happy holiday moments as the year reaches its inevitable conclusion.  May you all enjoy a spirit of optimism and serenity during these fleeting seasonal weeks, and the glow of happy memories.